Columbia Advanced Chiropractic, LLC

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Regenerative Medicine Step 2:  NormaTec

Regenerative Medicine Step 2: NormaTec

Please note that you do NOT need to be a patient to benefit from NormaTec.  You can simply call and set up an appointment to experience the benefits of NormaTec.  This also applies to Hbot and SoftWave.

NormaTec has been used to aid athletes recovery from training, injury, and surgery for over 10 years.  This amazing tool uses pressure to pump both lymph and blood supply.  By doing so, you increase blood flow and the nutrients it carries (especially oxygen) through not only the specific area of treatment but also through the whole body and this allows for an increased rate of healing.

At Columbia Advanced Chiropractic, LLC, we utilize the NormaTec 2.0 Pro.  This version is their top offering and it allows for specific programming to isolate areas that need the increased circulation the most.  We use NormaTec as our second step in our 3-pronged approach to tissue regeneration.  Why is it used second?  First, we hyper-oxygenate the blood with hyperbaric oxygen therapy (Hbot), then we use the NormaTec to hyper-vascularize the area of need.  Third, we use the unique SoftWave unfocused extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT) unit to stimulate stem cells to regenerate damaged tissue.  The three-pronged approach is a potent combination of therapies aimed at helping you recover, and heal, in dramatic fashion.  NormaTec will deliver fantastic recovery results when used individually from Hbot and SoftWave, but pairing it with these other therapies will provide for the best means of true tissue regeneration. Continue Reading →

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The Oura Ring and Why You Should Have One

The Oura Ring and Why You Should Have One

I rarely do product reviews or ‘pump’ a product but this particular one deserves some serious attention.

If you are active, wanting to become more active, or just have an interest in your health, the Oura ring is a must for you.  The engineers from Oura have brought to the market their second rendition of a ring that maps your sleeping patterns, activities, and heart metrics and puts them together in a simple and easy package.

Using the data from the ring and linking to your iphone or Android, you are given a TON of information about how  your body is functioning.  And yes, it’s highly accurate.

An example is HRV, or Heart Rate Variability.  HRV is probably the most scientifically validated way to assess the health of your autonomic nervous system (ANS).  The ANS is made up of your sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.  The sympathetic is your ‘flight or fight’ part and the parasympathetic is the ‘rest and digest’ side.

Most of us have stress in our lives and this makes our bodies more sympathetic dominant.  When this occurs, the parasympathetic portion of the ANS does not function as it should.  Due to this, the sympathetic ‘runs wild’ and we can end up with serious health issues.  Those who monitor their HRV can determine what changes will upregulate, or increase parasympathetic tone.

For many, it’s getting more sleep or partaking in exercise.  For others, it’s adding CBD (truthfully, a must).  No matter what you do, you want to maximize your HRV as it tells you that there is a balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.

If you are unfamiliar, HRV is a measure of the difference between each heart beat.  We might think that a consistent heart beat is healthy, but in actuality, that is incorrect.  With each beat, there should be a slightly different time between each beat.  This indicates that the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems are playing off one another.  When we lack parasympathetic tone, then the sympathetic controls everything and the heart beat remains very constant with the gap time between beats.

Athletes use HRV as an indication of recovery from sport.  They know that a great HRV means that their bodies are preparing for more activity and that they will compete better.  Athletes need to have a large amount of HRV.

For all of us, we can use HRV for determining the health of our neurological system.  The data the Oura provides helps to establish goals to achieve  and teaches us ways to recover better.  It gives us data we cannot otherwise obtain.  The HRV is only one health index the Oura provides but oh, what an important one it is.

I have spoken with Oura because we are seeing amazing changes in HRV with our patients who are using CBD and are making lifestyle changes (several of our athletes already have the Oura ring).  It’s great to be able to objectively track the changes using the Oura ring.

I wear mine as my wedding band now because it looks professional, is light, and feels great on the finger.  It only needs to be charged once every 6 days and this makes it almost hassle free.  You can, of course, wear it on any finger (they send you a sizing kit to be sure you order the correct size).  I awaken every morning and the first thing I do is check my phone for my sleep data.  The ring has made going to bed earlier, easier, as you feel better when the sleep score is higher (it is based on far more than just the HRV).

Sure, the Oura does a lot more and I’ll be documenting that soon.  The Oura ring in one piece of technology you should not be without if you are interested in tracking your health metrics and sleep patterns.  is protected by Copyright laws.  If you wish to ‘share’ or post this blog content from, you may do so provided you share/post it in its entirety and do not alter it  in any way. Should you wish to use this content in any other fashion, you must receive written (this can be email) permission before doing so. 

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The Official Word on Sports Nutrition Regarding Diets and Body Composition…Discussion Over!

The Official Word on Sports Nutrition Regarding Diets and Body Composition…Discussion Over!

Let’s end this debate now.  The puzzle is now complete.  We have the data and we know what works.  We know the  ‘too much protein is bad for your kidneys’ talk that some doctors and others tout is wrong.  There is simply no data to validate this unless you have pre-existing, unrelated, kidney disease.  We know that fasting/cleansing is good for you, not bad.  For those who say ‘your body is always cleansing…that’s what the kidneys and liver are for,’ we can reply by showing them the research that far more can be done.  For those who say that ‘protein is protein, ‘  we can clearly demonstrate that this is not the case…not even close.  Many say ‘I’ve tried everything and nothing works.’  Maybe that person has tried other programs, but they most certainly have not incorporated caloric restriction and intermittent fasting.  If they had, they would’ve achieved the results they were looking for.  Being 80% of health and how we look is due to nutrition, whereas only 20% is due to exercise, it’s quite important to have a lifestyle system that addresses the 80% part.  By taking care of the 80% part, you will perform and recover better with the exercise part.  They are not mutually exclusive.  Lapses in nutrition will only get you more injuries.  I see this all too often.

You get the point.  It’s time to do what we know works instead of looking for excuses when it comes to diets and body modification.  This is about YOU and how you can feel, function, and look better.  Continue Reading →

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Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) and Some Ideas About How To Deal With It

Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) and Some Ideas About How To Deal With It

So you have had an active and/or stressful day and you lay down to go to bed.  Your leg or legs feel a bit twitchy and they won’t relax.  Finally, you get to sleep and you are awakened by a really uncomfortable pain in your legs.  This happens night after night and finally you cannot deal with it anymore.  What is wrong and what can be done?

Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) is considered by many to be a neurological problem but there are many causes of the condition. So many, in fact, that it’s really tough to categorize the condition into one simple issue.  What we need to do is consider any and all factors that could influence the condition and help minimize/eliminate it.  The medical approach is to turn to medications to help with the condition, but those have side effects.  There are natural ways to address RLS, and to many, it makes sense to start with these before going the medication route. Continue Reading →

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The Achilles and Two Reasons Why It Might Be Hurting You

The Achilles and Two Reasons Why It Might Be Hurting You

Figure 1.:  The Calcaneal Bursa Sacs, picture from WebMD

The Achilles tendon is a rather avascular (lacking blood) thick tendon that is made up of two of your major back side calf muscles: the gastrocnemius and the soleus.  The tendon attaches into a part of your heel bone, the calcaneus, and this part is called the calcaneal tubercle. We have to major bursa sacs (bursa sacs are pockets that only fill with fluid when they are inflamed), the subcutaneous calcaneal bursa and the retrocalcaneal bursa (see figure 1 right). The subcutaneous bursa seldom presents as an issue, but the retrocalcaneal bursa can be a major headache. Continue Reading →

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The Truth About Plantar Fasciitis and How To Treat It

The Truth About Plantar Fasciitis and How To Treat It

Plantar Fasciitis (PF) can be a rather debilitating condition.  It doesn’t matter if you have flat feet (pes planus) or high arches (pes cavus).  If there is added stress to the bottom of the foot that occurs quickly, it can result in plantar fascial pain.

What exactly is the plantar fascia?  Consider the plantar fascia to be similar to a ligament.  It runs from the heel (the medial calcaneal tubercle) to the heads of your metatarsals (point at about where you see the webbing of your toes).  Despite what you might have been told, its function is NOT to hold the arch of the foot. Rather, the PF more-so holds the muscles under it together so that they can suspend your arch. Continue Reading →

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The Major Reason Why Your Knee Hurts and What You Can Do About It

The Major Reason Why Your Knee Hurts and What You Can Do About It

As a sports rehabilitation doctor, I get the benefit of seeing all types of sports injuries.  One of more common injuries I see is a ‘knee tracking’ issue.  I’ll go as far as saying about 75% of all people presenting with knee pain have this condition as either a primary issue or issue that is causing a more serious situation.  So, what exactly is this funny sounding condition?

As humans, we are the ONLY animal to be upright and on two legs as a primary means of ambulation.  Although our evolution has allowed us to do this, it is not without issues.  It just so happens that the muscles on the outside of the thigh tend to get stronger/tighter than the muscles on the inside.  Now, it’s a bit more complex than this but this should help give us a general idea of what is occurring. Continue Reading →

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Dr. Manison is now Selective Functional Movement Assessment (SFMA) Certified

Dr. Manison is now Selective Functional Movement Assessment (SFMA) Certified

Doctors learn how to assess and treat based on their specialization. Chiropractors are taught how to diagnose neuromusculoskeletal problems and how to properly treat them.  If a patient presents with a condition that a chiropractor cannot handle, then an appropriate referral should be made.

Dr. Manison has acquired skills in most of the highest level treatment approaches in his field.  In fact, he now teaches part of the Certified Chiropractic Extremity Practitioner (CCEP) program nationally.  This program, developed by Dr. Kevin Hearon, is regarded in the field as the highest level program on the assessment and treatment of extremity injuries. Continue Reading →

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Introducing the InBody 570 Body Composition Analyzer Part 3

Introducing the InBody 570 Body Composition Analyzer Part 3

The 3rd and final part of our discussion about the incredible InBody 570 covers 3 more studies that further validate its accuracy.  I know blogs that discuss studies aren’t always the most ‘fun’ to read, but it is important to have evidence readily available to show others that your InBody 570 bioelectrical  impedance analyzer assessment is vital to your health and should be part of your medical health history.  It can be used to help your primary care doctor (PCP) figure out ways to help you…hopefully many times through dietary intervention (like caloric restriction and intermittent fasting) vs. just administering drugs. Continue Reading →

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Dr. Manison now TPI (Titleist Performance Institute) Medical Level 3 Certified Provider

Dr. Manison now TPI (Titleist Performance Institute) Medical Level 3 Certified Provider

Golf is a sport that many consider to be an addiction: players will go through great lengths to improve their swings, ball distance, fitness, conditioning, etc… all in the name of lowering that handicap.  Along with the need to have a good teaching golf professional to work with, players at all levels need a proper assessment to see if their bodies are even capable of doing what they are asking it to do and proper personnel to help them ‘move’ as they should.  Fixing a golf swing is not as easy as simply saying ‘you need to rotate more.’  The body is quite complex and the golf swing relies on so many joints and muscles that even a slight bio-mechanical issue can cost the golfer many strokes! Continue Reading →