Columbia Advanced Chiropractic, LLC

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Regenerative Medicine Step 1:  Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

Regenerative Medicine Step 1: Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

Please note that you do NOT need to be a patient to benefit from Hbot.  You can simply call and set up an appointment to experience the benefits of Hbot.  This also applies to NormaTec and SoftWave.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy, or Hbot, is healthy for us in many ways.  We usually consider the greatest effects to be for those who have inflammation/swelling following trauma or for those wish to use it for a recovery tool after strenuous exercise.  It is also used to aid those who get altitude sickness as enriching the blood with oxygen  helps to reduce the effects of reduced oxygen at high elevations.

A new study, Hyperbaric oxygen therapy increases telomere length and decreases immunosenescence in isolated blood cells : a prospective trial , published by Hacho, et. al. in 2020, has shown that Hbot goes further than common uses in that it actually has direct, anti-aging, and regenerative effects.  These effects are due to its ability to elongate telomeres.

Telomeres are nucleotides that are found at the end of chromosomes.  They serve to maintain DNA stability.  Telomeres shorten during replication (mitosis) as well as due to disease processes, lack of physical activity, obesity, cortical thinning of the brain, diabetes, stress, smoking, inflammation, vitamin deficiency, and oxidative stress (think free radicals).  Being most of us are not functioning at optimal health, it’s easy to see that our telomeres tend to shorten far faster than they should and this process leads to an earlier death.  Telomeres are measured in kilobases, and they tend to be 4-15 kilobases in length.  We lose 20-40 bases per year just due to aging.  However, the aforementioned conditions drastically decay the telomere length.  When telomeres reach a ‘critical length’, cell replication cannot occur and this leads to further cell death.  Studies have shown  that adults with shorter telomere lengths have increased mortality rates.  Simply put: the faster your telomeres shorten, the sooner your death. Continue Reading →

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Why ALL Diabetics Should Be Incorporating Fasting

Why ALL Diabetics Should Be Incorporating Fasting

Okay, I’m not going to save the juicy part until the end of the blog.  So, here it is: fasting not only allows for better diabetes control but it also helps to reverse diabetes.  Science has now proven what many have already know for some time.  Do you know a diabetic?  Are they on a routine like me (Isagenix)?  If they’re not, they need to be if they want optimal health.

My story:  those who are familiar with me know  I began a particular nutrition/lifestyle program some time ago that involves caloric restriction and intermittent fasting to not only positively affect my athletic performance and recovery, but also to better lock down tighter blood glucose control.  As an insulin dependent diabetic for now over 35 years, I always want to do all I can to be as healthy as possible.  Sadly, I have found in my experience (and from discussions with many other diabetics over the years) that endocrinologists do not emphasize true prevention and nutritional intervention.  No, statins are not prevention…sorry.  More on that soon. On the topic of nutritional intervention to help diabetic control, there is a lot of research yet very few physicians touch on its importance.  This is rather unfortunate. With a bit of education and desire, it is easy to discover ways to better manage diabetes. Continue Reading →