Columbia Advanced Chiropractic, LLC

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It’s Not Your Neck Silly, It’s Your First Rib!  It’s My What?

It’s Not Your Neck Silly, It’s Your First Rib! It’s My What?

Many people seek care from a chiropractor for neck pain.  After all, it’s one of the most common conditions we treat.  Sometimes, however, the reason your neck hurts is not due to the neck itself but rather something else close by: the first rib.

The first rib is just that…it’s the rib that is highest up and close to your neck.  It goes from the T1 vertebra (the vertebra just below the ‘cervical’, or neck, vertebrae) to the upper portion of the sternum, on the front side.  The clinical importance of the first rib (in this case) is that it has two very important muscles that attach on it.  Those muscles are the anterior and middle scalenes muscles. Continue Reading →

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The Biceps Tear…What You Should Know

The Biceps Tear…What You Should Know

There are two heads to the biceps brachii, the long head (that goes from the labrum to just past the elbow…the outside one in the picture) and the short head (that goes from the coracoid process to just below the elbow…the inside one in the picture).  We rely on each muscle for shoulder flexion, elbow flexion, and some supination (hand rotated upward) of the forearm/wrist/hand.  Of the two heads, the long head tends to tear more as it thins out as it travels into the shoulder and it is more susceptible to damage at its attachment on the shoulder labrum.

The muscle can tear due to age-related wear and tear, labral tearing, overuse and trauma.  Generally, muscles tear from either the origin (where it begins proximally), or the insertion (the distal attachment).  When the biceps tears from the insertion, it will tend to roll up the arm and form a ball in the middle of the biceps region.  This type of tear tends to be very noticeable. Continue Reading →

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The Major Reason Why Your Knee Hurts and What You Can Do About It

The Major Reason Why Your Knee Hurts and What You Can Do About It

As a sports rehabilitation doctor, I get the benefit of seeing all types of sports injuries.  One of more common injuries I see is a ‘knee tracking’ issue.  I’ll go as far as saying about 75% of all people presenting with knee pain have this condition as either a primary issue or issue that is causing a more serious situation.  So, what exactly is this funny sounding condition?

As humans, we are the ONLY animal to be upright and on two legs as a primary means of ambulation.  Although our evolution has allowed us to do this, it is not without issues.  It just so happens that the muscles on the outside of the thigh tend to get stronger/tighter than the muscles on the inside.  Now, it’s a bit more complex than this but this should help give us a general idea of what is occurring. Continue Reading →

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Dr. Manison is now Selective Functional Movement Assessment (SFMA) Certified

Dr. Manison is now Selective Functional Movement Assessment (SFMA) Certified

Doctors learn how to assess and treat based on their specialization. Chiropractors are taught how to diagnose neuromusculoskeletal problems and how to properly treat them.  If a patient presents with a condition that a chiropractor cannot handle, then an appropriate referral should be made.

Dr. Manison has acquired skills in most of the highest level treatment approaches in his field.  In fact, he now teaches part of the Certified Chiropractic Extremity Practitioner (CCEP) program nationally.  This program, developed by Dr. Kevin Hearon, is regarded in the field as the highest level program on the assessment and treatment of extremity injuries. Continue Reading →