Columbia Advanced Chiropractic, LLC

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Why ALL Diabetics Should Be Incorporating Fasting

Why ALL Diabetics Should Be Incorporating Fasting

Okay, I’m not going to save the juicy part until the end of the blog.  So, here it is: fasting not only allows for better diabetes control but it also helps to reverse diabetes.  Science has now proven what many have already know for some time.  Do you know a diabetic?  Are they on a routine like me (Isagenix)?  If they’re not, they need to be if they want optimal health.

My story:  those who are familiar with me know  I began a particular nutrition/lifestyle program some time ago that involves caloric restriction and intermittent fasting to not only positively affect my athletic performance and recovery, but also to better lock down tighter blood glucose control.  As an insulin dependent diabetic for now over 35 years, I always want to do all I can to be as healthy as possible.  Sadly, I have found in my experience (and from discussions with many other diabetics over the years) that endocrinologists do not emphasize true prevention and nutritional intervention.  No, statins are not prevention…sorry.  More on that soon. On the topic of nutritional intervention to help diabetic control, there is a lot of research yet very few physicians touch on its importance.  This is rather unfortunate. With a bit of education and desire, it is easy to discover ways to better manage diabetes. Continue Reading →

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The Truth About Plantar Fasciitis and How To Treat It

The Truth About Plantar Fasciitis and How To Treat It

Plantar Fasciitis (PF) can be a rather debilitating condition.  It doesn’t matter if you have flat feet (pes planus) or high arches (pes cavus).  If there is added stress to the bottom of the foot that occurs quickly, it can result in plantar fascial pain.

What exactly is the plantar fascia?  Consider the plantar fascia to be similar to a ligament.  It runs from the heel (the medial calcaneal tubercle) to the heads of your metatarsals (point at about where you see the webbing of your toes).  Despite what you might have been told, its function is NOT to hold the arch of the foot. Rather, the PF more-so holds the muscles under it together so that they can suspend your arch. Continue Reading →

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I Have Disc Problems and I Cannot Run…Will I Be Able To Run Again?

I Have Disc Problems and I Cannot Run…Will I Be Able To Run Again?

We treat a lot of patients who suffer from disc pathologies, be they bulges or herniations.  Most of these people are active and want to continue to be active. The problem they encounter is that they get pain in the low back with activity that many times goes into the gluteal region (on one side or another…or both) and sometimes goes down the leg(s) into the feet.  This makes it hard for them to partake in sport. Continue Reading →

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The Dreaded DCO and What It Means To You and Your Shoulder!

The Dreaded DCO and What It Means To You and Your Shoulder!

DCO, or Distal Clavicular Osteolysis, is a rather bad shoulder condition that all too many athletes suffer from.

DCO occurs when we have damage to our AC (acromioclavicular) joint and it goes unattended to for a period of time.  More-so than that, additional damage is done with further activity and the bones that make up the joint get significant damage.

The AC joint is made up of where the distal clavicle bone meets the acromion process of the scapula (see photo below).  A sprain of the AC joint tends to involve a macrotrauma (one significant injury) such as a bad fall or other form of side shoulder impact.  The AC joint tends to get hypermobile (or move too much) easily as it is not a very stable joint to begin with.  When the joint is injured, or sprained, care is needed to stabilize the joint and allow for it to heal.  In-office treatments can significantly reduce recovery time and this is important as a healing AC joint sprain is susceptible to further injury.   Continue Reading →