Columbia Advanced Chiropractic, LLC

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The Official Word on Sports Nutrition Regarding Diets and Body Composition…Discussion Over!

The Official Word on Sports Nutrition Regarding Diets and Body Composition…Discussion Over!

Let’s end this debate now.  The puzzle is now complete.  We have the data and we know what works.  We know the  ‘too much protein is bad for your kidneys’ talk that some doctors and others tout is wrong.  There is simply no data to validate this unless you have pre-existing, unrelated, kidney disease.  We know that fasting/cleansing is good for you, not bad.  For those who say ‘your body is always cleansing…that’s what the kidneys and liver are for,’ we can reply by showing them the research that far more can be done.  For those who say that ‘protein is protein, ‘  we can clearly demonstrate that this is not the case…not even close.  Many say ‘I’ve tried everything and nothing works.’  Maybe that person has tried other programs, but they most certainly have not incorporated caloric restriction and intermittent fasting.  If they had, they would’ve achieved the results they were looking for.  Being 80% of health and how we look is due to nutrition, whereas only 20% is due to exercise, it’s quite important to have a lifestyle system that addresses the 80% part.  By taking care of the 80% part, you will perform and recover better with the exercise part.  They are not mutually exclusive.  Lapses in nutrition will only get you more injuries.  I see this all too often.

You get the point.  It’s time to do what we know works instead of looking for excuses when it comes to diets and body modification.  This is about YOU and how you can feel, function, and look better.  Continue Reading →

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Meralgia Paresthetica…What Is It and How Is It Treated?

Meralgia Paresthetica…What Is It and How Is It Treated?

Meralgia Paresthetica aka Roth’s Disease aka Lateral Femoral Cutaneous Nerve (LFCN) syndrome is a condition we see from time to time.  The patient tends to present with pain in the lateral thigh that almost feels like an itchy feeling.  The discomfort can be anything from burning pain to tingling.  The pain is not a deep pain but is superficial.  This means you only feel it on the outside of the thigh vs. deep in.   It can be very bothersome and it is certainly annoying enough that people will go to find a solution.  Left untreated, it tends to get worse with time. Continue Reading →