Columbia Advanced Chiropractic, LLC

Regenerative Medicine Step 2:  NormaTec

Regenerative Medicine Step 2: NormaTec

Please note that you do NOT need to be a patient to benefit from NormaTec.  You can simply call and set up an appointment to experience the benefits of NormaTec.  This also applies to Hbot and SoftWave.

NormaTec has been used to aid athletes recovery from training, injury, and surgery for over 10 years.  This amazing tool uses pressure to pump both lymph and blood supply.  By doing so, you increase blood flow and the nutrients it carries (especially oxygen) through not only the specific area of treatment but also through the whole body and this allows for an increased rate of healing.

At Columbia Advanced Chiropractic, LLC, we utilize the NormaTec 2.0 Pro.  This version is their top offering and it allows for specific programming to isolate areas that need the increased circulation the most.  We use NormaTec as our second step in our 3-pronged approach to tissue regeneration.  Why is it used second?  First, we hyper-oxygenate the blood with hyperbaric oxygen therapy (Hbot), then we use the NormaTec to hyper-vascularize the area of need.  Third, we use the unique SoftWave unfocused extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT) unit to stimulate stem cells to regenerate damaged tissue.  The three-pronged approach is a potent combination of therapies aimed at helping you recover, and heal, in dramatic fashion.  NormaTec will deliver fantastic recovery results when used individually from Hbot and SoftWave, but pairing it with these other therapies will provide for the best means of true tissue regeneration.

NormaTec has been extensively studied in the literature for its ability to reduce pain, increase blood flow, and reduce the breakdown of proteins with HIIT workouts.  It has also been shown to speed lactate clearance, improve range of motion, directly improve vascular function (increases FMD systematically), improve capillary blood flow, and lower oxidative stress.  Far beyond this, it has been shown to affect RNA transcriptase in skeletal muscle.  The studies are necessary, and great, but those using it know it’s benefits are second to none when it comes to recovery from both sport and injury.  For any sports injury healthcare facility, having a NormaTec unit is not an option.

Additional benefits include increases in RPS-6 (essential protein for rebuilding and repairing mucles), increases of eNOS to create more nitric oxide, inreases in PGC1alpha (metabolic regulator in the cells), increases in oxygenated hemoglobin, and changes in thermography on treated and untreated limb, demonstrating improved systemic circulation.

Most providers who offer NormaTec offer the ‘boots’, or long sleeves that go from foot to hip. This is the traditional application of NormaTec.  However, NormaTec also offers sleeves for the arms and a torso kit for the low back and hips.  We offer all 3 options so as to best help our patients.

Many people ask about proper treatment times for NormaTec.  This, of course, depends on the desired effects.  As a general rule of thumb, Dr. Manison believes that 20 minutes should be a minimum and 60 minutes a maximum (usually on a lower setting).   The 2.0 Pro allows for specific region focus and this is much better for injured tissues that need more flushing.  is protected by Copyright laws.  If you wish to ‘share’ or post this blog content from, you may do so provided you share/post it in its entirety and do not alter it  in any way. Should you wish to use this content in any other fashion, you must receive written (this can be email) permission before doing so. 


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